A note from the Editor…
Our mini-break will be here before we know it. We’ll get a couple days off, and then it will be Halloween, and then the real spookfest starts on November 3rd.
If you’ve already voted, I commend your initiative greatly, especially considering this semester has been such a wild ride. If you haven’t registered or you’re voting in person, I urge you to take the time to check out my favorite site for voting; VoteLikeABeast.com.
Vote Like A Beast is an initiative from Rhett and Link, a comedy duo who are some of the original content creators on the internet. They run a daily morning podcast called Good Mythical Morning, which is family-friendly content and always fun to watch. They call their fans “Beasts,” which is where the last word comes from in Vote Like A Beast.
Vote Like A Beast is apolitical, so it’s not going to try to ask you to vote for a specific candidate. What it will do is provide tons of links to helpful places that can help you be the most informed on your local and Presidential candidates. Rhett and Link have
Vote Like A Beast is meant to be useful for all because it’s really easy to navigate. If you’re still feeling lost on that site or want more information, try Vote.org, which is run by a 501(c)(3) non-profit and does not support any political candidate.
It’s got links to be informed about presidential, congressional and local candidates as well as a quiz to see which ones you most might like to vote for. It has instructions on how to vote by mail, find your in-person polling places, and understand your voting rights.
It is illegal for anyone to try to stop you from voting. If you experience intimidation, coercion, threats, or people impersonating poll workers, you can call Election Protection at 866 687 8683 to report it.
In Vermont, if you’ve voted before, you’re all set. You don’t need to show ID to vote. If you registered online or voting for the first time, bring a copy of your photo ID. If you don’t have a photo ID, you can bring a paycheck, bank statement, or government document that shows your name and address when you vote.
Your vote matters. Even in Vermont. There are local races that matter, important people who will protect not only your federal rights but the smaller stuff close to home, like the Vermont State Colleges. We deserve appropriate funding, and there are candidates who support that. Check them out at BasementMedicine.org, where we asked each candidate about their opinion on funding the VSCS.
Keep wearing your masks. Keep social distancing. Enjoy your break, and don’t forget to vote.
See you on the other side.
Rebecca Flieder, Editor in Chief

Senior, Journalism & Creative Writing
Grew up in Atkinson, NH
Fall 2018
Along with traditional journalism, I enjoy writing satire and fun feature...