Putting the “Green” back into “Green Mountains”
They’re waiting
Recycling is easy enough to do when it comes to aluminum cans, plastic bottles or yesterday’s newspaper, but how can you properly dispose of hazardous waste?
That’s where the Lamoille Regional Solid Waste Management District or the LRSWMD comes in. For the past several years the LRSWMD runs collection points throughout Lamoille County to make it easier for local residents to legally dispose of items that may cause harm to people and the environment if not dealt with properly.
Saturday, Sept. 27 is the last opportunity of the year to off load your stash of old paint, household cleaners, used automotive oil, thermometers and even contaminated gasoline.
LRSWMD not only collects a wide array of hazardous materials; it does it at no cost to the residents of the county.
The next LRSWMD collection will be located in Jeffersonville in the G.W. Tatro parking lot on the corner of Routes 15 and 108.
This site will be in operation from 9a.m. – 12p.m.
Businesses must pre-register prior to the drop-off date, and there is a fee based on the amount of material a business submits for collection. Pre-registration for businesses is open through Sept. 19th.
Asbestos, tires, batteries, medical waste, medications, radioactive materials, fluorescent bulbs, empty containers, propane tanks and explosives including ammunition and fireworks are not accepted at this time and should not be brought to the collection point.
If you cannot make it on Sept. 27 but you have paint you would like to recycle you are in luck.
Vermont started a paint stewardship program on May 1 of this year. Vermont has teamed up with PaintCare Inc., a non-profit organization designed to plan and operate paint stewardship programs in States that have paint stewardship laws.
There are currently 51 paint collection sites throughout Vermont.
The Country Home Center, located in Morrisville is the only program participant within the LRSWMD district, but more locations are expected as the program continues to grow.
You can visit www.paintcare.org for a complete listing of paint recovery sites in Vermont, site hours and what materials they accept for turn-in.
Not only is Vermont working to make paint collection easier, but it’s also affordable, as there is no charge to drop off unwanted paint, stain or lacquer.
Do you want to recycle the plastic bags from your last trip to the grocery store, but you’re not sure how?
Unwanted shopping bags, bread bags, and even produce bags can all be recycled. The only requirement is that you get them to where they need to be.
The LRSWMD transfer site as well as area supermarket will accept these types of plastic bags, and the service is provided at no cost.
It would be a shame with all of the recycling options available throughout Lamoille County to not do the right thing and dispose of unwanted waste safely and appropriately. It does not take much effort, and best of all it’s completely free.
Let’s work together to keep Lamoille County and Vermont clean.
Jeffrey joined the Basement Medicine staff in the Spring 2015 semester serving as staff writer and photo editor.