O’Shea joins business dept.
This fall semester, NVU-Johnson welcomed Anna O’Shea as the new assistant professor in the Business Administration Department. This makes O’Shea the only full-time business faculty designated for the Johnson campus although Lyndon-based professor James Noyes is also teaching here.
O’Shea will be teaching Fundamentals of Management in Business, Marketing Research, Introduction to Business Ethics, and Intro to Business Software and Information Systems on the Johnson campus, and some of these are also offered by her at the Lyndon campus.
“I’m excited about all of them,” says O’Shea about her classes. “I have a background in marketing, so the marketing research class is really fun. It takes the overview of marketing and combines it with data sampling and analysis. Students get to choose how they want to do that research, and then they come up with the outcome and get to talk about their findings and the next steps that the business can take.”
O’Shea comes to NVU with considerable workplace experience the business arena, having worked in sales and marketing for over 10 years and has also taught business classes and coordinated internships, which all add to the experience she brings to Johnson. She also received her work-based learning endorsement at the high school level.
“I’m from Vermont,” says O’Shea. “I used to work in business and then I went back to school for teaching, and I like how the business program here combines the principles of, say, a marketing class, but also getting an outside perspective. They have this learn to work initiative, or hands-on experience, and that’s my background, too.”
O’Shea will also be teaching some of her classes at the Lyndon campus, offering her experience to more students.
Her main campus, however, is Johnson. Her office is located on the third floor of the Willey Library Learning Center.
“I really want to help students,” says O’Shea, “guide them, help them find a career that they’re passionate about and want to do after they graduate or leave college. I want to help them through college, but I also just think it’s important to have a goal or plan in place to set up to succeed after college, as well.”
As the university continues to change and adapt to become the new Vermont State University, the addition of O‘Shea to the business department will help to replace a number of recently departed faculty from that department including former chair James Black, Henrique Cezar, and most recently Bill Morrison.
“I’m just excited to be here and to work with the students, the staff, the faculty, and the community,” says O’Shea.

First year student from Orlando, FL.
Working on her second bachelors.
Love poetry, anime, and her dog (mostly her dog).
Dreams of living in a van.