Pass/no pass option extended to end of the spring term
As with every semester before affected by COVID-19, the NVU-Johnson faculty voted to extend the Pass/No Pass grade option to the end of the semester. According to Provost Nolan Atkins, this will “allow students the additional flexibility, given the continued challenges faced with remote learning.”
The policy is opt-in, which means students will need to contact the registrar to add this to their transcripts.
Pass/No Pass, abbreviated as P/NP, is a non-GPA option for a student’s transcript. Instead of a letter grade, the transcript will show “P” or “NP.”
The opt-in policy was first announced in April of 2020 after NVU shut down due to the pandemic. Now-senior and pre-med student Luna Crowley drafted and circulated a petition which called for the P/NP extension opt-in.
It is unclear how many students took advantage of this option, but nonetheless, Faculty Chair Tyrone Shaw says the faculty assembly is considering a permanent policy change. With the new rule in place, students would be able to opt in to P/NP regardless of semester.

Senior, Journalism & Creative Writing
Grew up in Atkinson, NH
Fall 2018
Along with traditional journalism, I enjoy writing satire and fun feature...