Welch leading behavioral study on campus
Amy Welch
A research study is being conducted on campus by Associate Professor of Environmental and Health Sciences, Dr. Amy Welch and her research assistants on the health of college students between the ages of 18 – 25 years old.
Dr. Welch and her assistants have been conducting a study over the past year on certain behavioral strategies, designed to promote the health of its users.
It compares physical and mental effects of two behavioral interventions. These behavior strategies include exercise and deep breathing.
The goal of the study is to compare the two strategies and measure how they benefit the participants. Multiple devices are being used to monitor the health of the participants throughout the study.
Dr. Welch says this study is one designed to gauge how these mental and physical interventions affect the participants.
She has a strong interest in health behaviors and says she believes that this study is important to improving the health of college students.
“We are exploring whether either of these interventions could be effective and be applied more broadly on college campuses,” Welch said.
According to Danielle Gaudioso, a behavioral medicine research assistant, this study aims to help its college students live healthier lives through the behavior strategies taught to them.
“It’s a great opportunity to learn about yourself,” she said. “We really are focusing on college students because we want college students to be able to know that there are resources out there for them.”
The researchers are seeking at least 30 students to participate in the study.
At the beginning of the study the student is measured to get a baseline of his or her health.
After the baseline is established, the student will either be asked to exercise or practice deep breathing for four weeks.
Upon completion of the study participants will receive $100 to compensate for their time spent. This study is funded by the Vermont Genetics Network.
Dr. Welch and her research assistants plan on presenting the results at an academic conference next year.
To be a part of the study a student can contact the behavioral medicine lab or Dr. Welch through email or phone number.
The email is [email protected]. The number for the lab is 635-1253.